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YO MAMA SO FAT! Seaworld
YO MAMA SO FAT! Seaworld
NEW JOKES EVERY MONDAY AND FRIDAY apps.facebook.com Too lazy to keep checking back for my new jokes? I'm the same way, bro! Click the link above and Facebook will start sending them to you. Add me to your friends - facebook.com Follow me if you're like really bored - twitter.com -Brody PS I've been working out way too hard lately. I pulled a tendon in my leg * * * PLAYLISTS Click the links below to start playing only those types of jokes: SO FAT - www.youtube.com SO STUPID - www.youtube.com SO UGLY - www.youtube.com * * * CREDITS Created, Written and Produced: Zack James - youtube.com Alex Negrete - youtube.com Artwork: youtube.com Voiceover: youtube.com Soundtrack: youtube.com




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